Don't let profits get washed out: Choosing the right motor in food & beverage applications



Duration: 45 minutes



Supplying consistent up-time in a food processing facility is critical, and so is choosing the right motor. If the wrong motor is selected for an application in a food processing plant it could lead to bacterial outbreaks, product recalls, fines, and ultimately lost profits.

Join us as we provide a detailed overview of these harsh application product lines, when they are needed and why they are necessary.


       - NSF International certifications and zone ratings

       - What makes a product suitable for each zone

       - In-depth overview of ABB's washdown motor solutions



David Steen

Global Product Manager - Definite Purpose Motors


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WEBINAR: Don't let profits get washed out: Choosing the right motor in food & beverage applications

Supplying consistent up-time in a food processing facility is critical, and so is choosing the right motor. If the wrong motor is selected for an application in a food processing plant it could lead to bacterial outbreaks, product recalls, fines, and ultimately lost profits.

Join us as we provide a detailed overview of these harsh application product lines, when they are needed and why they are necessary.